We are a multinational team of entrepreneurs, digital enthusiasts, marketing experts, designers and software developers working from Prague and Zurich.
Monday is a state of the art online service developed by Firefly Information Management. Firefly was founded in 2014 by a group of management consultants and digital experts.
Its main vision was to create the enterprise graph to enable cognitive intelligence in a business. Monday is an application of the enterprise graph as a contractor graph.
With a good understanding of graph technologies that we have implemented at clients, we had the idea to use these technologies to build up the people graph. That means building up a large pool of talented people and have companies create positions immediately matching the right people for the right job. This will eliminate the middlemen and drastically shorten the process and costs.
Our vision is to build an on-demand and globally connected workforce of talent excellence that is easily accessible by great companies.
The 4th industrial revolution boosts innovative digital technologies with a changed dynamics.
An entirely new generation of digital professionals (Generation X & Y) results into a radically new job market. In order to keep the speed of technology innovation, companies are forced to promptly react to the market demand. Static long-term employments will be replaced by more dynamic and flexible on demand and result-based engagements.
Modern digital technology enables an excellent instant connection between enterprises and talents. New working styles like crowd working, swarm intelligence, remote work will dramatically change the workforce in the near future. Therefore, the on demand workforce plays a major competitive role for world leading enterprises.
Our mission is to create a highly interesting and varied work life for talented people that provides them with more opportunities to manage the work-life-balance. On the other side, we provide companies a highly efficient way of staffing the best-suited people for successful projects.